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Don’t Talk to an Insurance Investigator Until You Read This


After an automobile accident or other incident that injures you or your property, your first priority is to make sure you are safe and get the medical care you need. Once the dust settles, however, it’s likely that a representative from an insurance company will contact you. Before you agree to provide a statement or even answer questions, make sure you understand the whole situation. 

Why Should I Get a Lawyer for My Personal Injury Claim?

law book and gavel

If you’ve been injured in a New Jersey auto accident, pedestrian accident, slip-and-fall, or other incident that caused you harm, you likely want to put everything behind you as soon as possible. Often, however, it may not be the right decision to settle your claim quickly. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you recover the compensation you deserve from the parties responsible for your injuries and help protect your rights. Without a lawyer, you may wind up with a mountain of medical bills, unanticipated effects that linger long after you think everything is resolved, and no way to recover for the harm you’ve suffered. 

New Jersey Toddler Suffers Third-Degree Burns from Wawa Water

cup of coffee

In another tragic series of events, a New Jersey three-year-old suffered serious burns when a Wawa clerk knocked a cup of scalding water off a counter and onto her upper body, arms, and torso. Her parents have filed a lawsuit in federal court against the company on behalf of themselves and the girl, asking for compensation for medical expenses, emotional distress, and other damages. 

The Difference Between Contingency Fees and Pro Bono

handing a business card

If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle collision, animal attack, slip-and-fall, or other incident, you will likely want to consult with an attorney. You may worry that an attorney will be very expensive, or you may be concerned that even talking to a lawyer could result in another bill to pay. The good news is that many personal injury team offer free initial consultations. They may also allow you to enter a fee agreement that minimizes your expenses while allowing you to pursue compensation for your damages.

Don’t Be Afraid to Talk to a Personal Injury Lawyer

woman with cast. Caption: 'Do you need a personal injury lawyer?'

If you have been injured in a New Jersey auto accident or suffered a personal injury, you may be struggling to make ends meet while recovering from your injuries. Even though you know that obtaining legal representation can help preserve your rights and improve your recovery in your personal injury claim, you may worry that you can’t afford an attorney or be afraid that even calling one will obligate you financially. You are protected by a number of New Jersey laws governing attorney-client agreements, so don’t be afraid to contact a personal injury attorney to help with your claim!

Go Ahead, Be a Good Samaritan!

painting of the Good Samaritan

If you witness an auto accident or other emergency situation, do you worry you might get sued if you intervene? Although this is a commonly held belief, many states, including New Jersey and New York, have what’s called “Good Samaritan laws” to protect those who provide aid at injury occurrences from legal action.
