Simple Assault
Simple Assault Charges in New Jersey: Protect Your Rights
Facing a simple assault charge in New Jersey can be overwhelming. You might be unsure of the penalties, your rights, and how to proceed. Here at New Jersey Attorneys, we can help. Imagine a heated argument escalates, and one person shoves the other, causing them to stumble and fall. Even if there are no serious injuries, this act could be considered simple assault in New Jersey.
New Jersey law (N.J.S. 2C:12-1a) defines simple assault in three distinct ways:
- When one attempts to cause or purposely, knowingly, or recklessly causes bodily injury to another; or
- When one negligently causes bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon; or
- When one attempts by physical menace to put another in fear of imminent serious bodily injury.
In cases of mutual combat or fighting, simple assault is classified as a petty disorderly persons offense, carrying a maximum jail sentence of 30 days.
While less serious than aggravated assault, simple assault is still a disorderly persons offense (similar to a misdemeanor) and should not be taken lightly. A conviction can result in up to six months in jail.
Beyond jail time, a simple assault conviction leaves a lasting mark on your record, potentially affecting your employment, housing, and other opportunities. Because assault is considered a violent crime, a conviction can have significant consequences, including the inability to obtain firearm permits. For non-citizens, a simple assault conviction can jeopardize their immigration status and may lead to deportation.